Spider Veins

Spider veins are small, dilated blood vessels that appear near the surface of the skin. They are typically blue, purple, or red in color and often have a spider web-like appearance.

About Spider Veins

Spider veins are usually harmless, but many patients with spider veins also have varicose veins, which can be more serious indicators of vein disease. The Vein Specialists offers treatments for cosmetic spider veins that are outpatient and minimally invasive.

Risk Factors

Spider veins are usually hereditary, but other risk factors include:

  • obesity
  • pregnancy
  • hormonal fluctuations
  • injury
  • sun damage
  • lifestyle or occupations that require long periods of standing
  • smoking


Spider veins can be easily diagnosed during an appointment at The Vein Specialists. A consultation that includes a physical exam and a review of family history can determine if spider veins are present.

At our Varicose Vein Clinic, our experts use state-of-the-art ultrasound technology to assess the function of your veins. During a noninvasive procedure called vein mapping, we utilize high-frequency sound waves to generate a visual of the blood flow in your legs and accurately locate unhealthy veins for treatment. This information is used to accurately diagnose the underlying causes of varicose and spider veins and to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs.


Sclerotherapy is the most common treatment for non-painful varicose and spider veins. This versatile and effective procedure is used for both medically necessary and cosmetic treatments. It involves injecting a solution into the affected veins, causing them to collapse and fade from view over time. There is minimal discomfort during the procedure, and no anesthetic is necessary. At our Varicose Vein Clinic, we offer personalized sclerotherapy treatment plans that address the unique needs of each patient, providing safe and effective solutions for both medically necessary and cosmetic vein issues.

You have questions. We have answers.

Below you'll find answers to some of the questions we are commonly asked by patients. Please contact us at (828) 670-8346 with any additional questions or concerns.

How do I prepare for Sclerotherapy?
Our staff will help schedule appointments and obtain insurance approvals. Prior to Sclerotherapy, you must fill a prescription for compression stockings that are required after the procedure. You may also request mild sedation medication to help you relax during the procedure without putting you to sleep. We ask that you shower and wash your legs thoroughly the day of your appointment, but do not use lotion, cream, or powder. Bring loose fitting pants to wear after the procedure. You must have a driver to bring you home afterward.
What can I expect after Sclerotherapy?
Patients can resume normal activities right away, but heavy lifting and strenuous activity should be avoided for 2 – 3 days. Compression stockings will be required for the first 24 hours, and then during the day for the next week. Some mild discomfort, bruising, or swelling in the treated area is common but typically resolves within a few days. Patients should avoid sun exposure and hot baths or saunas for several days post-treatment. It's important to follow all instructions to ensure optimal results and a smooth recovery. Most patients can expect to see gradual improvement in the appearance of treated veins over several weeks to months following treatment.
Is Sclerotherapy covered by insurance?
If vein disease is present, documentation will be sent to your insurance provider, and The Vein Specialists will request maximum coverage for your upcoming procedures. Medical Sclerotherapy generally is covered by insurance and often is performed as a follow-up to EVLT. If your ultrasound reveals no vein disease, you may still opt to move forward with cosmetic Sclerotherapy to treat your spider veins, which is a self-pay treatment option.
Are the results of sclerotherapy permanent?
The effects of sclerotherapy are permanent — treated veins will disappear for good. However, sclerotherapy may not prevent new spider veins from forming.